Thursday, April 16, 2015



Site A is my prefer site
-large vacant land and near to lower canal art districts. 
Although the site A is not close to north part art districts, but it provide an opportunities for people to travel the canal from the upper canal to middle canal by boat or walk.

-close to residential area, easy for residents to access my site
this large public open space could also have some playground for residents to use. also bring potential visitors to my site. As there are not many public open space in residential area, it will be very efficiency and attractive to create a nice open space and provide multifunction in the site A.  

- next to existing playground and schools, easy for students visit field station.

Although from my mapping exercise, site B, C seems like better than A, because they are between two art concentrate area. while these two site are has limits
-small space, hard to expand in the future
-B close to art district and school, but not to residents

In the future parking and vacant land could become commercial, residential building and also public open space.
-Light industry
canal is seems like a  blank area in  Brooklyn, most thing like shops, restaurants and houses has a lot in Brooklyn except the area around canal. 
People travel from south Brooklyn to north Brooklyn, might just pass by canal, because there is nothing to attract them to stop and leave.
But in the future canal will become a new mixed -zone, there will be shops, restaurants, recreation, arts, historical industrial building and also parks along the canal.
The new mixed-used zone will be like a belt connect south and north of Brooklyn.

Add new bike route along the canal
New open space and field station provide publicly accessible space for arts, cultural, and community activities

New public open space provide opportunity to foster arts activities and address environmental issues (improve storm water retention)
Increased transit service for residents especially for workers
Improved pedestrian, biking and boating infrastructure

Additional school facilities also need be added in the residential development area